The GLORIA coordination team (Vienna, Austria)

Harald Pauli

PD Dr. Harald Pauli

Head of the GLORIA coordination team, scientific coordination, focusing on network management, field methodology, and biogeography
  +43-1 47654-83160
Manfred Bardy-Durchhalter

Mag. Manfred Bardy-Durchhalter

Scientific support, Database and Web Development, IT management
  +43-1 47654-83162
Katrin Euller

MMag. Katrin Euller

Scientific and administrative support
  +43-1 47654-83161
Carolina García Lino

Dr. Mary Carolina García Lino

Academy Scientist
 +43-1 47654-83163
Andrea Lamprecht

MMag. Dr. Andrea Lamprecht

Scientific and administrative support, currently on maternity leave
Katharina Kagerl

MMSc. Katharina Kagerl

Scientific and administrative support
 +43-1 47654-83161
Timon van Zoest

Msc. Timon van Zoest

Scientific support, Database and Web Development, IT management
  +43-1 47654-83162
Manuela Winkler

PD Dr. Manuela Winkler

currently out of office, Scientific coordination, focusing on analytical methodology and climate data
 +43-1 47654-83163

Founding members of GLORIA

Georg Grabherr

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Georg Grabherr

Former chair of GLORIA
In memoriam Georg Grabherr (30. 04. 1946 – 25. 10. 2022)
Michael Gottfried

PD Dr. Michael Gottfried

Former head of the GLORIA coordination (Sept.-Nov. 2012) and data analysis coordinator, currently off-duty

Associated researchers

Karl Reiter

Dr. Karl Reiter

Remote sensing and GIS
University of Vienna, Dept. of Botany and Biodiversity Research
Stefan Dullinger

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Dullinger

Data analysis
University of Vienna, Dept. of Botany and Biodiversity Research
Patrick Saccone

Patrick Saccone PhD

Academy Scientist
 +43-1 47654-83161
Sabine Rumpf

Prof. Dr. Sabine Rumpf

Data analysis
University of Basel, Dept. of Environmental Sciences
Klaus Steinbauer

Dr. Klaus Steinbauer

FH Kärnten, UNESCO Chair Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

Former members of the GLORIA coordination team

Dr. Daniela Hohenwallner, Dr. Armin Oppelt, Mag. Sophie Nießner, Dr. Barbara Friedmann, Mag.Katrin Wilfing, Tobias Fasching, Benedikt Huber